
The goal of this project is to identify five different ethnic immigrant groups and focus on their immigrant demographics and their role in the American workforce. This is a team project and there are five members on the team so each of us picked an ethnic group to focus on and research. Each member of the team is also required to meet with a Human Resource Department and discuss the overall importance of diversity in their organization with an emphasis on the ethnic group they had chosen to research. We discussed with these Human Resource departments the importance of diversity in their organization as well as the accommodations they make for diversity, and the contribution these diverse employees make to their organization. The team then looked at the concept of the American Dream and how it is perceived by the different ethnicities within the literature we have read in this course, when possible. We then took a look at all the information provided be each team member and began to find many commonalities between all our research. It seems all the companies researched and their respective Human Resource Departments had similar goals in regards to Diversity in the Workplace. The ethnic groups researched all had a similar American Dream and their roles in the American workforce provided some similarities and differences. Overall, this project allowed us to focus one particular ethnicity and then compare and contrast our findings as a group.

Group Ethnics - Filipino

An analysis with one of Canada’s largest integrated real estate companies was researched upon this project. Morguard Investments has been offering investments and property management services with operations nationwide. A large network has been established with a diversified labor force. As the president of Morguard Investments states, "At Morguard, the key to our success is the talent, expertise and energy of our people. Our employees are always thinking of ways to enrich the lives of our tenants and how to add value to the properties that we manage." (Morguard) In communicating with one of the representatives of Morguard Investments Human Resources department, their company has played a major role in hiring a multicultural work force from Canadian to Portuguese to India and Latino’s etc. As mentioned in the “Latino” section, America will have a population growth of immigrates in the next few decades. Like this real estate company, they recruit and evaluate their work force by the individuals expertise and how that person acts amongst other.

Morguard Investments has set goals for accomplishments in their business:
1. Powerful Thinking
2. Openness and Communication
3. Pride & Passion
4. Integrity
5. Respect & Recognition
6. The ability to use resources to deliver superior service

Most of these relates to the inner-personality of each individual that will also bring the company to a better working environment and success in business. Being a diversified company, it was mentioned during an interview with one of the representatives of the Human Resources department that employees of different ethnics get along with one another pretty well. Of course there will be some bad days such as not getting along, but for the most of it everyone is in good terms.

In comparison to Latino, Asian immigrants (Filipino) are about 16% less than Latino’s of increasing the population in the U.S. Landing immigrants to the U.S. just like Filipino’s are making decisions to enhance their life not only for themselves but mostly their children and family. The risk that takes place is leaving their homeland and the people they love. It also takes time to adapt to another land and may possibly be difficult to call it their home. These immigrants have inspirations and influences on having an “American Dream” that motivates themselves to find a job that can support their families to have a better life.

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